Down with the empty resolutions!

Yossi Schwartz ISL the RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine, 12.11.2023

On Saturday an Arab-Islamic summit took place in Riyadh Saudi Arabia dealing with the genocide of the people in Gaza committed by the Zionist war criminals. The summit condemns the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip, war crimes and inhumane massacres by Israel. It also called for an end to the siege on Gaza, allowing humanitarian aid into the enclave and halting arms exports to Israel. The summit called on the UN Security Council to adopt a binding resolution to halt Israel attacks on Gaza.

Originally, only the 22 members of the Arab League were expected to participate, but the meeting was later expanded to include the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a wider association of 57 mostly Muslim-majority states to which the Arab League countries belong” [1]

For this reason, Iran and Turkey participated in the summit. Only some time ago Iran and Saudi Arabia faced each other as enemies, and Saudi Arabia was ready to join the Abraham accords, but the war on Gaza made them sit together in the same summit against the Zionist state.

“People do understand that the Israelis don’t really care about what is happening at this summit between the OIC and Arab League leaders. When you look at the communique you get a sense that the Arab and Muslim leaders do not have a mechanism to push a ceasefire and humanitarian corridor,” Ahelbarra of Al Jazeera said. “This summit was just for the sake of a semblance of unity … in the Arab and Muslim world. It’s a watered-down statement. Not all Arab leaders decided to attend this summit because of the huge differences and divisions among the key players of the summit. That’s why they put this vaguely worded statement for public consumption,” he added. [2]

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) who spoke first called for an immediate cessation of military operations in Gaza and the release of all captives and prisoners.

This is a humanitarian catastrophe that has proved the failure of the international community and the UN Security Council to put an end to Israel’s gross violations of international humanitarian laws, and prove the dual standards adopted by the world,” he said [3]

But this statement was no more than lips service as he added:

“We are certain the only cause for peace is the end of the Israeli occupation and illegal settlements, and restoration of the established rights of the Palestinian people and the establishment of the state on 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital,” MBS added” [4]

You have to be a very big idiot or a liar to claim that the so-called two states for two people is more than a formula that gives Israel free hands to expand the settlements in the West Bank and probably in Gaza if Israel will win militarily.

Turkish President Recep Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Israel was taking revenge on Gazan babies, children and women, and renewed his call for an immediate ceasefire.

What is urgent in Gaza is not pauses for a few hours, rather we need a permanent ceasefire,” he added. “We cannot put Hamas resisters defending their homeland in the same category as the occupiers” [5]

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, the collaborator with the Zionist apartheid added that Israeli forces’ raids in the occupied West Bank have also escalated and called on the United States to put an end to “Israel’s aggression, the occupation, violation and desecration of our holy sites. No military and security solutions are acceptable as they have all failed. We categorically reject any efforts to displace our people from Gaza or the West Bank,” Abbas added” [6]

Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani asked: “for how long the international community will treat Israel as if it is above international law. The international world remains immune in front of all these scenes. Who could have imagined that hospitals could be publicly shelled in the 21st century?” he asked” [7]

Iran repeatedly warned that the scope of war will expand if Israel does not stop its attacks, President Ebrahim Raisi also attended the meeting in Riyadh, marking the first visit by an Iranian president in 11 years.

“Blind bombardment against Gaza must stop,” Raisi said, adding that “Islamic governments should designate the army of the occupying and aggressor regime [Israel] as a terrorist organization” [8]

These are all lofty words motivated by the fear of the masses that support the Palestinians not only in the semi colonies but also in the imperialist states but the time for nice words have passed. It is the time to break the Abraham accords, and to expand the fronts. Israel must be defeated. It is true of course that Hezbollah is fighting in a very limited way but this is not enough. We cannot trust the UNSC where the U.S. that back the genocide has a veto power.

And while the Arab local rulers under the pressure of the masses pretend to support the People of Gaza, across the world, demonstrators call for an immediate ceasefire and urgent humanitarian action in Gaza. Major cities, including New York, London, Paris, Baghdad, Karachi, Berlin and Edinburgh, witnessed large marches on Saturday. These demonstrations may pass the huge demonstrations against the US war on Iraq. Even the French President Macron a known pro Zionist calls on Israel to stop killing Gaza’s women and babies. Unlike the masses around the world that stand against Israel thousands of protesters in Tel Aviv called on Israel to prioritize rescuing the hostages. In other words, first rescue my relative and then kill the people of Gaza.

As Marx said there is time when the weapon of logic must turn to the logic of weapons and as Lenin said: For humanity to live imperialism must die.

Time for actions enough with empty words!

Cease fire now!

Swap all Israeli prisoners with all the Palestinian prisoners!

Israel must be defeated militarily for the Palestinians to live!

For Palestine red and free from the river to the sea!



[2] Ibid

[3] Ibid

[4] Ibid

[5] Ibid

[6] Ibid

[7] Ibid

[8] Ibid

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