Mass Graves Reveal Mass Murder by the Israeli Army

By Michael Pröbsting, RCIT, 23 April 2024,

There can be horrifying news even amidst a genocidal war in which Israel did already slaughter at least 34,000 Palestinian in Gaza. In the last days, civil defence teams have discovered hundreds of bodies of Palestinians buried in two mass graves by Israeli forces in the courtyard of Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip. 310 bodies have been recovered by now and rescuers expect to find more. (1)

The bodies retrieved include those of children, women, medical staff, wounded people and patients. Some of these had been decapitated, and had their skin and organs removed. Other bodies had their hands bound behind their backs, suggesting they were executed and buried on the spot.

A similar discovery had been made earlier this month at the al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City where a number of bodies were found in the hospital’s courtyard.

Both hospitals had been assaulted, occupied, and destroyed by the Israeli army. They then arrested hundreds of the medical staff and patients as well as refugees and executed many of them.

Everyone knows the horrible massacre in Bucha which the Russian invasion army committed at the beginning of the Ukraine War in 2022. At that time, Western media were outraged about this atrocity. But today? They don’t say a thing about the Israeli butchers! Why? Because this time, the killers are not imperialist rivals but their close allies.

What a powerful lesson about “Western values” and the “rule-based international order” about which the leaders of American and European imperialism like to lecture the world again and again!

However, in all this dark there are also incandescent stars of hope. Despite all the horrific mass murder and destruction for more than 200 days, the Zionist monster has still not succeeded in defeating the heroic Palestinian resistance which is continuing to fight back against the invaders under the most difficult circumstances.

At the same time, the global pro-Palestine solidarity movement does not recede and in some parts of the world it is even gaining strength. The powerful mass mobilisations in Jordan and Morocco and the spontaneous wave of university occupations which is currently spreading across prestigious universities in the U.S. – all this reflects that the Zionists and their Western masters fail to break the mass resistance, in Gaza as well as globally.

What we see is a unique logic of events. The more Israel succeeds in killing thousands of Palestinian women, children and men, the more steadfast the resistance becomes. Every prisoner executed and every house destroyed, give rise to new fighters in Palestine and new activists around the world. They can not break us, and we will win!

Unity – Struggle – Victory!

1) Al Jazeera: As more bodies found, UN’s Turk ‘horrified’ by Gaza mass graves reports, 23 Apr 2024,; Middle East Eye: War on Gaza: Hundreds of bodies unearthed in Khan Younis hospital mass graves, 21 April 2024,

We refer readers to a special page on our website where all RCIT documents on the 2023-24 Gaza War are compiled at and

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