Time for a new Intifada

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 02.09.2024

The Zionists try to convince themselves and their supporters that the growing Palestinian struggle in the West Bank is a conspiracy of Iran or at least of Sinwar. They can’t understand that the oppression by the Zionist monster is pushing for a new Intifada.

The series of events over the past two weeks across the West Bank not only indicate an escalation and evoke the ominous memories of the Intifadas in the 1990s and early 2000s but also herald a new era in the challenge of fighting Palestinian resistance between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

The first factor is the increased Zionist terror, whether by the Zionist army or the settlers in the West Bank, and many times, both act together against the Palestinians.

Given the high unemployment rate in the West Bank and the fact that many households lack even one breadwinner due to the ban on workers entering Israel, the anger is growing. The will to fight the oppression is on the rise, and more weapons are smuggled from Jordan.

The second factor is the diminishing illusions of an independent Palestinian state in the lands occupied by Israel in 1967. The initial hope sparked in international courts in The Hague and among various PLO-supporting nations has faded. The PA is conceived as traitors who serve Israel while the prestige of the fighting resistance is on the rise. Many West Bank residents understand that in light of the war, Israel has completely removed the idea of a two-state solution from the agenda. Another realization among the Palestinians is that the return of the Palestinian issue to the center of attention through diplomatic means alone has failed miserably. Therefore, they have no choice but to revert to the popular uprising.

The third factor fueling the unrest in the West Bank is the weakening of the “founding generation.” Last week, one of Hamas’s leaders, Khaled Mashaal, called “to renew suicide bombings,” but his call fell on deaf ears, with some of his critics telling him “to send his sons to commit suicide.”

Mashaal, like Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah leaders, is being heavily criticized for what is perceived as a lazy, feeble, anachronistic, and ineffective struggle against Israel. Voices from the ground are calling to put an end to the paralysis of what is called the “Palestinian Authority” and to take initiatives as Sinwar did.

The response of the Zionists is to use massive terror, employing methods not used in the past: aerial strikes, drones, daily incursions into the refugee camps, and even the removal of residents from areas designated for demolition, which means the destruction of hundreds of houses, roads, water pipes, and electric lines. The number of Palestinian casualties rises daily,

Thus, Iran is not behind the growing resistance in the West Bank but the policy of the Zionist monster.

Down with the Zionist war criminals!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!

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