On the conditions of the Zionist state

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 09.09.2024

The civilian investigation committee into the October 7 disaster for Israel continued its work today (Sunday) with the continuation of the testimony of the former Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Ehud Barak. In his testimony, Barak sharply criticized the conduct of the current government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while referring to a variety of issues concerning the conduct of the war and the future of the Gaza Strip. Continuing his testimony, the former Prime Minister and former Defense Minister of the Zionist state warns against a long-term stay in Gaza and accuses Netanyahu of conducting “the most failed war in the history of the State of Israel.” Later, Gideon Giladi, Ofer Shelah, and Uri Sagi will testify. The discussion is expected to continue until the afternoon.Israel is floundering without a strategy, a plan of action, and hope when at its head is the captain who sank the Titanic twice – once on 7/10, and a second time in the conduct of the most failed war in the history of the State of Israel,” said Barak in his testimony. He added that “we are closer to a step than defeat Than a step from absolute victory.”

Barak strongly addressed the issue of the Philadelphia axis, the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, saying that “whoever reads our peace agreement with Egypt, it is a blatant violation of the peace agreement that was in Philadelphia.”  “Hollow spin that does not touch reality but other purposes”

As a typical Zionist, Barak did not refer to the genocide that the Zionist monster committed in Gaza and the West Bank. For the Zionists, the native Palestinians are not human beings. In addition, Barak can’t bring himself to admit that Israel has lost this war. For almost one year, the army considered the fourth strong army, could not defeat the few thousand fighters of the Palestinian resistance. This is an essential message for the Arab Masses who are not afraid of the Zionist monster anymore. This is also a message to other imperialist states that Israel cannot perform its tasks as the front line of imperialism in the region. More investors are expected not to invest in Israel, and the isolation of the Zionist state is only growing daily.

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!

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