They are leaving the sinking ship

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 22.09.2024

One of the indicators showing the actual condition of Israel is the number of Israelis that have left the Zionist state. Jews are known in history as the wandering Jews who leave countries they feel are unsafe

“According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the balance of international migration of Israelis in 2023 was negative, and the emigration rate increased. About 55,300 Israelis were defined as long-term emigrants last year; for comparison, in 2022, less than 40,000 citizens left Israel.

The full impact of the “Iron Swords” war on immigration patterns from Israel will only be gauged towards the end of the year. However, the trend is already clear: In the first seven months of 2024 and 2023, it appears that there was an increase of 58.9%. The number of emigrants in 2023 – 25.5 thousand people, in 2024 (provisional data) – 40.6 thousand people. The difference between the long-term emigrants each month between 2023 and 2024 was about 2.2 thousand more on average in 2024″.[i]

“The emigrant population is not only growing in numbers but also in educational levels, a trend that could have significant implications for Israel’s intellectual capital. A striking 53.7% of emigrants had 13 or more years of schooling, compared to 44.2% among the total population at these ages. The difference is even more pronounced when considering those with 16 years of schooling or more, with 26.4% of emigrants falling into this category compared to just 19% of the general population” [ii]

There is no doubt that a growing number of educated Israelis will escape the Zionist state in times of regional war. In Haifa already, the streets are empty. It is a sign of fear. Slowly but surely, one can see the end of Israel is coming.

Down with the Zionist monster that swallows even its citizens!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!



[ii] Ibid 

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