Commemorate the Palestinian Heroes who died during the Great March of Return!

Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, 29 December 2018,

The Palestinian workers and oppressed in Gaza have launched a heroic initiative on 30 March 2018. Since then, they are holding regular demonstrations at the border to demand their right to return to their homeland. At least 190 martyrs have already died by the bullets of the merciless Zionist enemy, tens of thousands injured. One of them was the 21-year old nurse Razan al-Najjar (See e.g.

Their scarifies must not be futile! Their scarifies will not be futile! We will continue the struggle until the Palestinian people has achieved liberation and the oppressor state will have been put in the dust bin of history!

In this context we want to draw your attention to a beautiful homage to the numerous Palestinian martyrs which has been published by Ahmad Nafi and Chloé Benoist on the informative website Middle East Eye. (

Another, well-informed website is the Electronic Intifada (

The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency and its section in Israel / Occupied Palestine stand in unconditional solidarity with the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people. In any conflict between Palestinian forces and the Zionist state, we stand for the victory of the oppressed and for the defeat of the Israeli state. We fight for a single Palestinian state from the river to the sea – a free, red Palestine!

We refer readers to the numerous articles and statements of the RCIT and our section in Israel / Occupied Palestine (

Long live the Palestinian Intifada!

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