Do not believe one word of the Zionist-speak

Yossi Schwartz, ISL – RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine, 11.12.2023

In this article I want to show that the Zionists mass propaganda is at best lies with the aim of justifying the genocide and the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Let us begin with the lies from October 7th 2023. In other articles we will expose other big lies.

According to Times of Israel “An ongoing police investigation into the Hamas massacre at the Supernova music festival in Kibbutz Raim on October 7 has updated the death count to over 360, from about 260, according to a new report.

The toll would make up nearly one-third of all approximately 1,200 people killed during the attack on October 7th.

The toll includes some 17 police officers and also makes up half of all civilians killed during the invasion, Channel 12 reported. Nearly 400 military and police members were killed in southern Israel that day,

The investigation concluded that Hamas’ fighters  did not know in advance about the party, contrary to previous reports and widespread belief, Channel 12 said. The police reached this conclusion partly on the basis of questioning of captured fighters, and also because they did not find maps on the bodies of dead Hamas’ fighters  directing them to the outdoor event; in the cases of other massacres that day, the fighters  carried maps specifying their targets” [1]

This raises a question: who were the people who attacked the Israelis in Kibbutz Reim. We heard a few cases where fighters entering houses told frightened Israeli women “Do not be afraid we are Muslims and we don’t kill women and children“. We also have heard the Hamas order was to kill soldiers and policemen and women not civilians.

It is not a secret that thousands of angry Gazan civilians under a siege for 16 years losing relatives in the four previous murdering wars of Israel on Gaza broke from Gaza the open sky jail. They wanted to kill and destroy the Israelis that did not do anything against the siege and who were living on their lands stolen by force in 1948.

One of the survivors of the Hamas music festival attack on the 7th of October 2023 has said the following:

“When I say “terrorist”, I am including not only Hamas but also the thousands of Gazan citizens who infiltrated the country of Israel just to loot, rape and kill.” [2]

Israel claimed that the fighters of Hamas burned the houses in the Kibbutz Kfar Aza. The fighters of Hamas were armed with light weapons that could make small holes in the wall but not with tanks or artillery that could burn houses. Yet “The commander of an Israeli search and rescue team stoked controversy last month while discussing the army’s role in the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, saying that Israeli civilians were killed when army tanks fired at houses to reclaim the agricultural community of Kibbutz Kfar Aza near the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian group .Anadolu obtained footage of Lt. Col. Golan Vach’s statement on Oct. 14 to members of the foreign press in the kibbutz, where clashes occurred between the army and Hamas In the video. Vach is seen giving a briefing in front of a house that appeared to have suffered heavy damage in the clashes. The commander of an Israeli search and rescue team stoked controversy last month while discussing the army’s role in the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, saying that Israeli civilians were killed when army tanks fired at houses to reclaim the agricultural community of Kibbutz Kfar Aza near the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian group. Anadolu obtained footage of Lt. Col. Golan Vach’s statement on Oct. 14 to members of the foreign press in the kibbutz, where clashes occurred between the army and Hamas” [3]

The Israel Police issued a statement reacting to a claim in Haaretz that an IDF helicopter that arrived at the site of the Supernova festival near Re’im on October 7 may have killed some Israeli civilians. The Haaretz article in Hebrew cites an unnamed Israel Police official saying that its investigation of the incident found that an IDF helicopter at the site that was firing at terrorists “apparently harmed a few partygoers who were in the area.” [4]

Houses and buildings reduced to rubble in Kibbutz Be’eri

Israel has never explained how Palestinian fighters who crossed from Gaza on 7 October could have caused mass destruction to Israeli homes, as seen here in Kibbutz Be’eri, with their light weapons. There’s mounting evidence that heavy, indiscriminate fire by Israeli forces killed Palestinians and Israeli civilians alike.

“On Thursday, MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan challenged Israeli government spokesperson Mark Regev about the many lies and false claims that Israel has made to justify its genocidal bombing and invasion of Gaza.

Israel has also never explained how Palestinians fighters could have achieved this or caused the enormous damage to Israeli houses with only the light weapons they were generally seen carrying.

It simply makes no sense that 200 bodies burned beyond recognition that Israel thought were Israeli civilians could turn out to be Hamas fighters unless Israel killed people indiscriminately. Obviously, Hamas fighters did not set themselves on fire and burn themselves beyond recognition. And Israel must know the circumstances in which these people died. Evidence Israel killed its own

Regev’s statement is a significant addition to the mounting evidence that on 7 October Israeli forces went on a panicked rampage, firing wildly with powerful weapons, indiscriminately killing both Palestinian fighters and the Israeli civilians who were with them.That is the testimony of Yasmin Porat, an Israeli civilian who survived a massacre by Israeli forces at Kibbutz Be’eri.And the Israeli air force has admitted that it sent up more than two dozen attack helicopters which fired huge amounts of heavy cannon shells and Hellfire missiles on 7 October, even though in many cases the pilots could not tell Palestinians apart from Israeli civilians.“Shoot at everything,” one squadron leader told his men.

Later in the Mehdi Hasan interview, Regev regurgitates the standard Israeli propaganda claim that the civilian death toll in Gaza is so high because Hamas uses civilians as “human shields.”

Hasan challenges this with what he poses as a hypothetical question. He asks Regev: “Would you bomb schools and houses in Israel if Hamas militants were believed to be under them and kill Israeli human shields in the process? ”Hasan does not seem to realize that this is exactly what Israel did on and after 7 October, as growing evidence indicates.Needless to say, Regev did not provide any meaningful answer” [5]

 “Footage from inside Kibbutz Beeri shows absolute devastation resembling Israel’s repeated bombardment of Gaza over the years. Apache helicopter pilots have admitted to firing continuously without intelligence on targets, while tank crews were ordered to shell homes, regardless of Israeli hostages potentially inside” [6]

“According to Tuval Escapa, the security coordinator at Kibbutz Be’eri who set up a hotline between residents and the army, Israeli commanders made “difficult decisions” including “shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages. This was confirmed by Israeli civilian, Yasmin Porat, who survived a hostage standoff in Be’eri. She stated that, during intense clashes, Israeli Special Forces “undoubtedly” killed all remaining hostages, along with two surrendering Hamas militants using tank shells and frenzied gunfire.

“While the Israeli government and its army of international propagandists have blamed Hamas alone for a range of grisly killings on 7 October, along with unsubstantiated claims of rape, torture and beheading babies, the comments in N12’s TV report add to a growing body of evidence demonstrating that shelling by Israeli tanks was responsible for many of the casualties incurred in Israeli kibbutzim,” wrote Blumenthal, editor of The Grayzone, which has released many of the exposés that discredit Israel’s narrative. “According to the soldiers interviewed, others killed by the tank company in question include supposed Palestinian militants whom they say they crushed to death with their vehicle.”

Last week The Grayzone published eyewitness testimony to document how an Israeli tank opened fire on a home in Kibbutz Be’eri on 7 October, killing 12 Israeli non-combatants, including Liel Hetzroni, a poster child of Tel Aviv’s international anti-Hamas propaganda campaign. Evidence of friendly fire killings on that fateful day also arrived through the disclosure by Israeli media that IDF attack helicopters likely killed many attendees at the Nova electronic music festival, and that Hamas was unaware that the festival was taking place at the time” [7]

Another big lie about October7th is that Hamas raped Israeli women. This lie was raised in the last week of November and the first question is why almost two months on the alleged crime?  It is not difficult to guess as by that time Israel was aware it lost the propaganda war and it needed some heavy fat lie.

One of the most deeply disturbing aspects of Israel’s war against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is the proliferation of rape stories emerging from the 7 October attacks. In a rare moment of clarity, Benjamin Netanyahu spoke the truth when he admitted lying without a hint of irony at such honesty. Justifying his blatant lies to the world, he quoted the Bible: “As has been said, ‘by way of deception, thou shalt do war”, and that’s how we operate” Did the Hamas fighters defile Israeli women? The truth is that no one can know for sure because the Israeli authorities have muddied the waters so much with faked evidence and essentially lying about what happened on 7 October. Hamas, admitted to taking hostages and, indeed, much to the irritation of Israel, released some of them to the International Red Cross Society as part of highly visible exchange deals. Before a world audience of millions, the captives emerged smiling and thanked their captors.

Professor Ruth Halperin-Kaddari on BBC radio, said she saw footage of Israeli women in several of the 7 October locations whose condition left her in “no doubt” that this woman had been raped. Torn underwear hung off one of her legs and she was stripped naked from the waist down.

Yet you may expect forensic evidence to support the claim of rape and such Israel does not provide only excuses why it could not find forensic evidence. Instead, it introduced an ” expert” Dr Cochav Elkayam-Levy but it turned out that this “expert” is a non-credible witness with undisclosed ties to the Israeli government. An anonymous source from Mondoweiss criticized CNN for introducing Elkayam-Levy as “a human rights expert” and added: “In her interview, which opens the CNN report, Elkayam-Levy presents nothing but justifications for the absence of evidence and facts. While she claims to speak under the auspices of the ‘civil committee’, CNN hid the tight connections between her and the National Security Council of the Israeli Prime Minister. Elkayam-Levy is also the founder and director of the ‘Dvora Institute’, which works as a close advisory body to the Israeli prime minister’s ‘National Security Council’. The advisory committee for the Dvora Institute includes a former director of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and three former officials in the National Security Council.

Israel will not allow an independent inquiry to discover whether Israel is making up the story about rape and demand from every one to state that the rape story is a fact or being accuse of Anti-Semitism.

Blumenthal continued digging, and was able to tell us that Elkayam-Levy had used photographs of rape victims and spoken in a shaky voice as if to prove the authenticity of the rape allegations. Elkayam-Levy, either knowingly or in ignorance, presented an old image of dead Kurdish fighters as women sexually assaulted at the Nova music festival on 7 October. The image was originally published on the anonymous Hamas-Massacre website promoted by the Israeli government, but it was quickly removed without explanation after Blumenthal demonstrated that it was first published on this Japanese site (warning: graphic image) back in 2022.

Similarly, another fake story is a tale which swept around the world at an alarming rate. It originated with a report on Israel’s i24News site by reporter Nicole Zedeck after her interview with Israeli reserve soldier David Ben Zion. By 11 October, journalists Blumenthal and Alexander Rubinstein had investigated the story and were able to expose Ben Zion as an illegal Jewish settler leader notorious among extreme right in Israel’s occupied West Bank settler movement. Among other things, he called on rampaging armed settlers earlier this year to wipe out the Palestinian village of Huwara, which settlers attacked on several occasions, burning homes and vehicles in the process.” [8]

Cease fire now!

Exchange all the prisoners Palestinians and Israelis!

Down with the Zionist apartheid!

The US is the main enemy of the Aab masses!

For red free Palestine from the river to the sea!




News4JAX The Local Station

[3] Video:

[4] Hamas hands over 11 Israeli hostages to the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza City, Gaza on November 28, 2023 [StringerAnadolu Agency]



[6] Yvonne Ridley


[8] Ibid

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