How the Swastika was a propaganda tool of the Nazis and the Zionists

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 29.06.2024

The Jerusalem Post writes: Swastikas painted in front of a Baltimore Jewish home, and this photo supposedly proves it. The writer is Michael Starr:

Do you see here a Swastikas? Because I see the sign of a dollar that is not surprising after the mass media in the US printed that Jamaal Bowman, the progressive Democrat, faced a primary campaign that has seen pro-Israel lobbying groups pump more than $15m into the race for George Latimer, his competition.

Some may claim that this is an honest mistake and that the Jerusalem Post does not recognize the Swastikas, but if you believe this, you must believe the story of Cinderella. It is more likely that the newspaper believes that its readers do not recognize the Nazi symbol and it is ok to lie.

It is helpful to know the story of Von Mildenstein’s visit to Palestine to remind the writers and readers of the Jerusalem Post what a Swastikas looks like. The Zionists had to admit that for years the Nazis praised the Zionists, and according to the Israeli newspaper Ynet, in the beginning of the Nazi rule in Germany; way before anyone could have imagined the horrors that would be committed by the Nazis, there were some Zionist Jews who saw Hitler’s political doctrine as an advantage. 

“The Nazis didn’t conceal their desire to get rid of Germany’s Jews, and some Zionists saw it as an opportunity to boost the rate of Jewish immigration from Germany to the British Mandate of Palestine. One of them was Dr. Kurt Tuchler, a German Jewish judge and an active member of the Zionist Federation of Germany.

Even before Adolf Hitler was named chancellor, the Federation decided to contact Nazi Party officials who they thought might support the Zionist goal. Tuchler turned to Leopold von Mildenstein, who was in charge of the Jewish Desk at the security service of the SS and was known for his journalistic writing.

Tuchler sought to join Mildenstein on a trip to Palestine, which was still under British rule at the time, in a bid to suggest the place as an attractive destination for Jews. “He wanted to keep him company and influence him to write his travel story from a Zionist perspective,” Goldfinger explains. “He saw it as a mission.”

In the spring of 1933, Tuchler and Mildenstein got in a car with their wives (who were both called Gerda) and embarked on a journey from Germany to the Land of Israel.

Mildenstein returned from Palestine excited by what he saw. In his writings, he described how Jews were working the land, drying up swamps, and fulfilling the Zionist idea, and praised Zionism for benefiting both the Jews and the world.

The Reich’s minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, was also very keen about the narrative presented by Mildenstein. As horrible and unbelievable as it may seem from our perspective, the story Mildenstein brought from Palestine matched not only the Zionist stance but also the Nazi one. The bottom line of his articles was clear: Zionism is a way of solving Germany’s “Jewish problem.”

Goebbels used the Nazi leading newspaper “Der Angriff (“The Attack” in English), which he had set up in 1927, to convey this insight to the Germans. In 1934, the newspaper published a series of 12 articles by Mildenstein titled “A Nazi travels to Palestine.” Goebbels likely saw the series as his newspaper’s flagship project, using it as a means of advertising.

As part of the project, the Nazi Party produced a series of small brass coins. One side of the coins featured a Star of David with the caption “A Nazi travels to Palestine,” and the other side featured a swastika with the newspaper’s name, Angriff.” [1]

These coins were used by the Nazis and by the Zionists for their propaganda.



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