How to distinguish between Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 09.09.2024

Until the Jewish reactionary movement Zionism appeared on the historical stage, it was straightforward to know what is Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism had two forms. The first one is religious, claiming that the Jews killed Christ. The second one is pseudoscientific, claiming that the gen of the Jews is dangerous. The appearance of Zionism, a racist colonialist movement, is an attempt to confuse anti-racism with racism.

If a Jew who supports Israel is attacked, it is anti-Zionism. If a Jew who opposes Israel is attacked, it is anti-Semitism. The IDL claims that the Israelis who travel outside of Israel fear for their lives, and this is anti-Semitism. By the simple test I offer, this is anti-Zionism.

“A new ADL (Anti-Defamation League) survey claims that most Israelis feel unsafe traveling abroad and are increasingly worried about rising global antisemitism.

A new survey from the Anti-Defamation League shows that most Israelis feel unsafe when traveling abroad and are worried about the growing antisemitism around the world, the organization announced on Thursday. The survey, conducted online by the “Maagar Mochot” (Brains Pool in Hebrew) institute, gathered responses from 501 Israelis. The findings give a clear picture of the growing fear and concern among Israelis about their safety abroad and the increasing threat of antisemitism”.[i]

There is a vast difference between Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Anti-Semitism is a form of racism, while Anti-Zionism is a form of anti-racism. It is a good thing that the Israelis who support the genocide of the Palestinians are fearful because of anti-racism.

The ADL is a Zionist organization that aims to persecute the Anti-Zionists. It confuses anti-racism with anti-Semitism to encourage Jews to immigrate to Israel to help steal Palestinians’ lands and kill the Palestinians, or at least to ethnically cleansing the Palestinian natives of Palestine. It is a dangerous organization not only for the Palestinians, the Palestinians, but for the Jews whose interest is to fight racism.

Down with Zionism!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!



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