Iran Retaliates against Israel’s Aggression

Defend Iran against Israel and the U.S.! But no political support for the reactionary Mullah Regime in Teheran! Victory to the liberation struggles of the Palestinian people!

Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 14 April 2024 (UTC: 07.30),

1.           Last night, Iran has retaliated against Israel’s attack on its consulate in Damascus which killed seven people, including two generals of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). According to the Israeli military, more than 300 drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles were fired at Israel. They also say that while most projectiles were intercepted outside the country’s borders, with help from US and UK forces, a “small number of hits were identified”, including at a military base in southern Israel. There were no reports of fatalities. Iran’s mission to the UN said it considered the matter of Israel’s raid on its consulate in Syria “concluded” and warned of a “considerably more severe” response “should the Israeli regime make another mistake”. Furthermore, special forces of the IRGC navy have seized an Israeli-linked commercial vessel in the Strait of Hormuz on the same day.

2.           Unsurprisingly, Israel and Western imperialist powers expressed hypercritical outrage about this attack while they failed to condemn the Zionists’ deadly attack on Iran’s diplomatic facility in Syria. While Teheran’s attack didn’t kill any Israeli, is has certainly been a political shock for the country. It is the first time that Iran has launched direct attacks against the Zionist state. Explosions were heard in cities across Israel, including Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem, and air raid sirens sounded in more than 720 locations as Israeli forces sought to shoot down the Iranian projectiles. Israel’s Home Front Command had issued an order for Israelis to stay near bomb shelters. It remains to be seen if and how Israel and U.S. imperialism – its protecting power without which Zionist entity would no longer exist – will react to the Iranian attack.

3.           The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) reiterates its internationalist and anti-imperialist position: in any conflict between Iran and Israel resp. the U.S., we side with the former and call for the defeat of the latter. Iran is an advanced capitalist semi-colony while the U.S. and Israel are imperialist powers – the latter, in addition, is also a reactionary and illegitimate settler state.

4.           At the same time, we lend no political support to the capitalist Mullah regime in Teheran which oppresses the workers and oppressed peoples in Iran, and which has helped the tyranny of Assad to slaughter the Syrian people since 2011. Likewise, Iran aids imperialist Russia with drones killing the Ukrainian people. We fully support the Syrian rebels if they try to utilize the current difficulties of the Mullah regime to advance against their enemy.

5.           The RCIT even more sides with Iran in its conflict with Israel and the U.S. as the current escalation takes place in the context of the genocidal war which the Zionist monster has waged against the Palestinian people in Gaza and which has already killed tens of thousands of people – most of them women and children. Every strike is welcome which weakens the Apartheid and Terror state, and which aids the heroic Palestinian resistance!

6.           We reiterate our call to the international workers and popular movements to double their support for the Palestinian people. They must intensify their campaigns to boycott the Zionist state, making sure that neither weapons nor goods reach Israel. The Arab and Muslim governments – corrupted servants of capitalist monopolies and imperialists powers – must be forced to cut all relations with Israel, to boycott the Zionist state and its Western allies, and to send weapons to the Palestinian resistance. Socialists – particularly in Europe and the U.S. – must fight to expel the supporters of Zionism from the workers movement. We call those who share such a program to intensify collaboration in order to advance the construction of a Revolutionary World Party!

Victory to the Palestinian resistance! Defeat Israel!

In any confrontation: Support Iran and other resistance forces against Israel and the Western imperialists!

Expel the U.S. forces from the Middle East!

For a global boycott movement against the Terror and Apartheid state Israel!

For a single democratic and secular Palestinian state from the river to the sea with cultural and religious rights for the Jewish minority which should be a workers and poor peasant republics in the Arab countries as part of a socialist federation of the Middle East!

International Bureau of the RCIT

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