Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 24.02.2025
After the revolution in Syria brought down Assad who escaped to Russia, Israel further expanded its occupation in South Lebanon by seizing the 235 sq km. The offensives of the Zionist monster in the area marked another breach of international laws and treaties, and the possibility of annexation of South Syria by Israel. This possibility has led the Zionists war criminals to push the Druze militias to oppose the new regime in Syria.
“On 9 December, a day after Assad fled, while millions of Syrians took to the streets to celebrate Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking from the 1974 ceasefire borders separating the Occupied Golan Heights from the rest of Syria, addressed directly the Druze of Syria. “Sending first and foremost a hand of peace to our brothers, the Druze of Syria, that are brothers of our Israeli Druze brothers,” he said” [i].
We should recall that in the 1970s the Zionist state called for establishing a separate “Druze state” in the Levant.
“In addition, uncertified video footage emerged from the Syrian Druze village of Hadar, close to the 1974 buffer zone, which showed a Druze man calling for his village to be annexed to Israel – causing headlines around the world – although the sentiments were rejected and condemned in a statement signed by the leaders of the village.” [ii]
According to Israel Today that hints on the involvement of the Zionist state in Syria: “Several organizations, most of them identified with the Druze who supported the Assad regime, announced the establishment of an umbrella organization whose goal is to bring security and stability to the Druze Mountain region. The members of the militia were photographed armed next to the organization’s flag, which resembles the flag of the umbrella organization of the Kurds, the Syrian Democratic Front”, only in light blue with a Druze star on it.”[iii]
In other words, Israel is acting to split Syria and to have mini stats under its control against Syria. One of Israel’s coercive tactics in the Middle East is to “divide and conquer”, taking advantage of the ethnic and religious mosaic of the area.
“Israel has reached out to most of the minorities that live in the region, using religion or ethnicity to steer the area away from Arabism as a national aspiration. For example, since 1952, Israel has imposed mandatory military service on the Druze, Circassians and Bedouin, separating them from their natural communities – Arab and Muslim societies”.[iv]
During Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon from 1982 to 2000 it created the “South Lebanon Army”. With the perspective of controlling South Lebanon but the Zionist army had to run away because of Hezbollah.
In the 1970s, Israel took the tactics of division to extremes.
After the occupation of part of the Golan in 1967 the Zionist plan of Yigal Alon was to establish a Druze state as a buffer between Israel and Syria. He was a minister and he stated openly that Israel must sponsor a Druze republic in southern Syria and the Golan Heights, which would “definitely have a military and economic alliance with Israel”.
This plan was rejected by Druze leaders, and received no public support among the Druze – even in Israel. Now this plan is returning.
Down with the Zionist monster!
The Druze must reject the Zionist plan and isolate the traitors!
For the Arab revolution!
[i] https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel-divide-rule-tricks-syria-druze-resist-them
[ii] Ibid
[iii] https://www.israelhayom.co.il/news/world-news/middle-east/article/17423957
[iv] https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel-divide-rule-tricks-syria-druze-resist-them