Once again, the Zionist monster attacked a school

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 11.08.2024

The attack on Gaza City’s al-Tabin school killed 100 people. On top of the people killed inside the school’s prayer hall during the attack, others, including women and children, were killed inside nearby classrooms, hit by flying shrapnel from the bombs, reports Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud. Many victims being brought to the hospital are severely bleeding from shrapnel or severely burned from the fire that broke out from the bombardment.

According to the Zionist Jerusalem Post, “An Israeli Air Force aircraft, guided by intelligence from the Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), targeted terrorists operating in a Hamas command and control center embedded within the Al-Taabin school complex near a mosque in the Dura’ Tafah area on Saturday morning, the IDF and Shin Bet reported. The school had been sheltering civilians, the IDF and Shin Bet added, noting that the IAF took measures to minimize the impact of the strike on that population”.[i]

As usual, whenever the Zionists kill children, the propaganda is that Israel hit terrorists and was careful not to kill civilians. You have to be the village idiot to believe it, as Israel has slaughtered more than 16,000 children so far.

As could be expected, the Zionist “army is responding to the Arab reports that about a hundred Palestinians were killed during the Air Force attack on the “Lat’abin” school in the Darje Tupah neighborhood of Gaza this morning (Saturday), and says that the published numbers are exaggerated.”

“According to a preliminary examination, the numbers published by the government information office in Gaza – which acts as a communication arm of Hamas – are exaggerated and do not coincide with the information available in the IDF, the exact weapons used, and the accuracy of the hit,” it said. Earlier, between Friday and Saturday, the compound in the Gaza Strip that was used as a shelter for residents was attacked, where, according to the IDF, a terrorist headquarters is located. The IDF said that 20 terrorists, including senior commanders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, operated from the compound that was attacked and used it for execution of terrorist attacks.”

It is not hard to know who is telling the truth by examining the reaction of the Arab states friendly to Israel:

“The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement condemning Israel’s attack on Gaza City. The ministry wrote in a statement that the attack resulted in the death of more than a hundred Palestinians and dozens of injuries and is a blatant violation of the rules of international law. It was also noted that “the attack comes at a time when the mediators are seeking to renew negotiations for a hostage deal that will lead to a permanent ceasefire”, and is “an indication of Israel’s efforts to thwart the contacts. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry also condemned the attack on the school and claimed that it was “proof of Israel’s lack of political will to end the war.”[ii]

Do not blame only Israel. Biden has just sent Israel 3.5 billion to buy weapons for the genocide. For this policy of supporting the genocide by Israel, he is called by the Americans genocide Joe. It will be a mistake to vote for Harris or Trump. It is the time to form an independent party of the working class. worker’s party loyal to its voters with the transitional program. Not a reformist labor party like the British one. A party that can become a revolutionary party. On this point, Trotsky wrote:

One can declare that even the general term “Party of the working class”, does not exclude a “Labor Party”, in the English sense. Be that as it may. However, such an eventuality has nothing to do with a precise tactical question. We can admit hypothetically that the American trade union bureaucracy will be forced in specific historical conditions, to imitate the British bureaucracy in creating a kind of party based upon the trade unions. But that eventuality, which appears to me to be very problematic, does not constitute an aim for which the Communists must strive and on which one must concentrate the attention of the proletarian vanguard.

An extended period of confusion in the Comintern led many people to forget a very simple but irrevocable principle that a Marxist, a proletarian revolutionist, cannot present himself before the working class with two banners. He cannot say at a worker’s meeting: I have tickets for a first-class party and other tickets cheaper for the stupid ones. If I am a Communist, I must fight for the Communist Party.” [iii]

Down with the Zionist butchers!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!


[i] https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-814111

[ii] https://www.israelhayom.co.il/news/defense/article/16233401

[iii] Leon Trotsky On the Labor Party Question in America (1932) https://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1932/xx/lp.htm

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