South Africa retreats from the request to delay the submission of evidence

 Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 11.09.2024

Yesterday, after I learned that the SA is asking to delay the of its evidence by months and that Israel asked the American Congress to apply pressure on SA, I wrote that South Africa, under American pressure, is sabotaging the case against Israel. However, it seems that under the pressure of the black and Indian masses, the SA government is forced to promise that it will not withdraw from the case and submit the evidence against Israel’s genocide on time.

“The Office of the President of South Africa announced on Tuesday that South Africa would not withdraw its lawsuit against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. In addition, the bar announced that it will present its arguments to the judges in October. The announcement was made after Walla reported that Israel asked the US Congress to pressure South Africa. The South African president’s office said in a statement, “We will provide facts and evidence that will prove that Israel is committing genocide in Palestine. They also announced that no country has come to South Africa requesting it to withdraw the lawsuit. The legal process will continue until the court rules on the matter. We hope that Israel will implement the temporary orders issued by the court during the legal process,” the statement said.”[i]

Zionist Monster out of the entire Gaza!

For Palestine, red and free from the river the sea!



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