Syria: The People Brought Down the Assad Tyranny!

The Glorious Syrian Revolution has won but it is only a first step!

Statement by Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 8 December 2024,

1.           This is a historic triumph for the Syrian people and the oppressed masses all over the world! After 53 years of blood-thirsty tyranny, the rule of the Assad family has been finally destroyed by the heroic Syrian people. Since March 2011, the popular masses have risen and fought against the overwhelming forces of the regime. Hundreds of thousands were killed in this unequal and gigantic battle and the revolutionary forces suffered many setbacks. But they did not stop resisting and continued to organise and to fight – in the liberated territories of Idlib, in the underground and in the diaspora. Finally, the rebels in Idlib launched a surprise offensive on 27 November, provoking local popular uprisings all over the country and liberated Aleppo, Hama, Daraa, Suweyda, Homs and, finally, Damascus. Assad was forced to flee in panic, and his fate is currently unknown.

2.           The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT) cheers the victory of the Syrian masses – a struggle which we have unconditionally supported since the very beginning. In the past years, numerous demoralized souls deserted the revolution, proclaimed that it would be “dead” or “hijacked by jihadist forces”. They all ignored the fundamental truth that a revolutionary process is much more than the views of its leadership but reflects the deep desire of the masses for freedom and equality. Look at the masses cheering on the streets and toppling the disgusting statues of Assad all over the country! Look at the thousands of prisoners who can’t believe that they can leave the dirty dungeons where they were tortured for so long! Those who stand apart from such struggles are hopeless sectarians who have been taught a bitter lesson by history.

3.           The victory of the Glorious Syrian Revolution is a historic event not only for the Syrian people but for the whole Middle East as well as globally. It will inspire the masses in other countries to rebel against their “own”, similarly brutal, tyrants. There is no doubt that General Sisi in Egypt, Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, Kais Saied in Tunisia, Khamenei in Iran and all the other reactionary rulers are trembling since the heard the news about Assad’s downfall. Likewise, Putin has lost an important ally in the region and all the Great Powers are looking highly nervous to the revolutionary hotbed in Syria. And while Israel might welcome the weakening of the sphere of influence of its rival Iran, it regrets the loss of a dictator who never fired a single shot against the Zionist state and who guaranteed stability at its northeastern front.

4.           While the Syrian Revolution has won an important victory, the road ahead is full of traps and dangers. The biggest danger now is that power will fall into the hands of leaders who are under no control of the popular masses, and who are under pressure from foreign powers. Brothers and sisters, do not trust any leader – neither Jolani nor anyone else! Trust only yourselves, your arms, your power!

5.           The most important task now is the creation of popular assemblies in all workplaces, neighborhoods and villages in which the masses can freely discuss and decide about the most important issues. Such assemblies should meet regularly and democratically elect delegates who are accountable and recallable. Such delegates should create regional and national councils. It is such a democratic council of the people which should be the highest decision-making body in the country. All those who want to lead the country must subordinate to the will of such a popular council. Likewise, all armed forces must be an executive arm of such a popular council.

6.           Such a popular council must be the basis of a workers and fellahin government which should run the country. Its most important tasks would be the destruction of all institutions of the Assad regime, and the creation of a new, democratic state apparatus based on such popular assemblies. Such a government should be secular and respect the rights of all religious and ethnic groups. It should guarantee the Kurdish people the right to national self-determination. Furthermore, a workers and fellahin governments should expropriate the super-rich elite, nationalize the key sectors of the economy and open the road to a democratic and socialist future.

7.           Another important task of the revolution is to regain the full national independence of Syria. All foreign troops – from Russia, Iran, the U.S. and Türkiye – must immediately and unconditionally leave the country! Furthermore, the Syrian revolutionaries – who raised the Palestinian flag alongside the Free Syra flag at the Aleppo Citadel – need to aid the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people by any means necessary. Finally, a free Syria should call the brothers and sisters in the region, who are suffering from similar tyrants and Great Power domination, to rise up and liberate their countries.

Long live the Glorious Syrian Revolution!

For a workers and fellahin government based on popular councils!

For a free Syria, a socialist Syria – a Syria which respects the national and religious rights of all people!

Expel all foreign troops from Syria!

Solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle for freedom!

Long live the Arab Revolution!

Unity – Struggle – Victory!

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The RCIT has published a number of booklets, statements and articles on the Syrian Revolution since its inception in March 2011 which can be read on a special sub-section on this website:

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