The big lie and the real world

Yossi Schwartz, ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 22.08.2024

Shortly after October 7th, American President Joe Biden publicly expressed his outrage at Hamas militants who invaded southern Israel and beheaded babies they had killed at Kfar Aza kibbutz.

However, no such beheadings have been verified by any Israeli or international source. The beheaded babies’ lie originated with a report on Israel’s i24News by reporter Nicole Zedeck after her interview with Israeli reserve soldier David Ben Zion. Max Blumenthal and Alexander Rubinstein reported on October 11 that Ben Zion is a notorious radical leader in Israel’s West Bank settler movement. Among other things, he called on rampaging armed settlers earlier this year to wipe out the Palestinian village of Harawa, which settlers attacked and burned several times.

So, why was Biden spreading this lie? The White House explained that the President read it in the newspaper. Why did the US imperialism president not wait to verify this tale? Why did he not apologize to Hamas for spreading this shocking lie?

The reason is very simple: he is an imperialist who supports Israel in any way possible: By money, weapons, using the veto power, and spreading lies.

In the real world, the Zionist monster has killed more than 1600 children in Gaza and some more in the West Bank with weapons provided by US imperialism. The Zionist army beheaded some of these children.

“We have verified a video from Khan Younis in which a Palestinian man is seen recovering the body of a child beheaded in an Israeli attack on Khan Younis”.[i]

“This is Israel’s target!” the man shouts as he holds up the child’s body. “Israel is not targeting Hamas; they target our children!”[ii]

It is not only US imperialism that supports the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel. So are the European imperialists. Our general secretary, Michael Probsting, was sentenced by the Austrian courts to a conditional six months in jail for daring to stand with the Palestinians.

In 2023, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg announced, “We have entered into a strategic, extremely close relationship with Israel that can no longer be undone.” Within the EU, Austria is considered one of the most pro-Israeli countries. The Austrian government is known for its unconditional support for the Zionist war crimes. In October 2023, it voted against a UN General Assembly resolution, which called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. It adopted the Zionist propaganda that the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” is antisemitic and advocates violence.

Down with Western imperialism and all other imperialists!

Down with the Zionist monster!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!



[ii] Ibid

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