The debate between Israeli Human rights and the right-wing Zionist in the UNSC

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 05.09.2024

Our government is cynically exploiting our collective trauma to violently advance its project of cementing Israel’s control over the entire land,” Yuli Novak, CEO of left-wing Israeli activist of Human Rights B’Tselem, told the UN Security Council on Wednesday” [i]

In the UN Security Council meeting, multiple countries, including Israel and Palestine, spoke on the subject of “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.” The Zionist state was represented by ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, and a video message from Novak.

According to Novak, the Israeli government “does not want to return the hostages in a deal, but to continue the war, indefinitely. She referred to the government as “criminal,” “apartheid,” and “cruel. They were exploiting the events of October 7 to carry out their agenda of waging war on the entire Palestinian people, committing war crimes almost daily. Since Israel was founded, its guiding logic has been to promote Jewish supremacy over the entire territory under its control. By driving Palestinians out of entire areas, Israel is laying the groundwork for long-term control of Gaza, which could lead to re-establishing Israeli settlements there., the government was also lending its full backing to “settler pogroms” in the West Bank. Israel has enjoyed impunity for decades; every day the Council does not act on the court’s call to end the occupation and apartheid is another day the Council is abandoning us, the people of this land, under a cruel and unjust apartheid regime.”[ii]

Danon ended the over three-hour debate with a speech saying the usual lies of the Zionist monster. That if the Council members “truly cared for the Palestinian people, and truly wanted an end to this war which Hamas started, [they] would officially draft and pass a resolution designating Hamas, a terrorist organization, and condemning Hamas for its hostage-taking. Israel is committed to bringing every one of these hostages home. It is our top priority. But make no mistake; the roadblock to their release is not Israel; it is Hamas and only Hamas.” [iii]

Not even the families of the captives believe this lie, as it is clear that Netanyahu’s government wants to continue the war for a long time to avoid Netanyahu being put in jail for his corruption.

Down with the Zionist Monster!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!



[ii] Ibid

[iii] Ibid

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