The dispute in Iran which places to target

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 11.08.2024

While the Israelis are on edge, waiting in fear for the retaliation of Iran and Hezbollah for the last assassinations by Israel, the Iranian top leadership has a dispute over what targets to shoot.

The President of Iran, Masoud Pazkhian, is waging a covert struggle with the Revolutionary Guards organization, which is interested in starting a full-scale war against Israel, the British “Telegraph” reported on Friday.

 According to the report, Pazkhian opposed a direct attack on Tel Aviv last week and instead suggested that the Revolutionary Guards organization plans to attack Israeli bases in neighboring countries. However, the commanders of the organization, Ahmad from the pillars of the Islamic regime in Iran, insist on hitting Israeli cities.

It was also reported that the Revolutionary Guards do not calmly accept Pazkhian’s insistence on avoiding an open confrontation and are undermining him in talks with Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, who will ultimately decide on the nature of the Iranian response to the assassination of the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh.

 A source close to the Iranian president told the British newspaper that “Pazkhian is afraid that any direct attack on Israel will have severe consequences for Iran. We were very lucky that we did not end up in an all-out war against Israel last time.

Ismail Ka’ani, commander of the Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards, addressed a letter to Lihya Sinwar, chairman of the political bureau of Hamas, on the occasion of his appointment and wrote, “We see it as our duty to avenge the death of the martyr Haniyeh in the conversion incident that took place on Iranian soil.” that the commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Hossein Salami, said that his country would strike Israel “at close range and from a huge distance, in the air, at sea and on land.”

Experts are saying that in a full-scale war, Iran will lose 8 million people and Israel one million. Iran will survive such a loss while everyone who can will leave Israel for other countries. As the imperialist order is between sharks, The total defeat of Israel will bring a wave of real anti-Semitism from the presumed friends of Israel.

The ISL, the section of the RCIT, has written many times that in a war between Iran and the Zionist state, we will be on the Iranian side, which is not an imperialist state, without giving it any political support.

The victory of Hamas will lead to a safe place for Israelis who have not committed war crimes. How do we know?

On September 30, 2021, the “Promise of the Hereafter– Post-Liberation Palestine” conference, sponsored by Hamas leader in Gaza Yahyah Al-Sinwar and attended by senior officials from Hamas and other Palestinian factions, discussed preparations for the future administration of the state of Palestine following its liberation from Israel after the latter destroyed.

 “The September 30, 2021, “Promise of the Hereafter – Post-Liberation Palestine” conference, sponsored by Hamas leader in Gaza Yahyah Al-Sinwar and attended by senior officials from Hamas and other Palestinian factions, discussed preparations for the future administration of the state of Palestine following its “liberation” from Israel after the latter destroyed.

 Among other things, the conference also recommended that rules be drawn up for dealing with “Jews” in the country, including defining which of them will be killed or subjected to legal prosecution and which will be allowed to leave or to remain and be integrated into the new state. It also called for preventing a brain drain of Jewish professionals and for the retention of “educated Jews and experts in the areas of medicine, engineering, technology, and civilian and military industry… [who] should not be allowed to leave.” Additionally, it recommended obtaining lists of “the agents of the occupation in Palestine, in the region, and [throughout] the world, and… the names of the recruiters, Jewish and non-Jewish, in the country and abroad” to “purge Palestine and the Arab and Islamic homeland of this hypocrite scum.

In dealing with the Jewish settlers on Palestinian land, there must be a distinction in attitude towards [the following]: a fighter who must be killed; a [Jew] who is fleeing and can be left alone or be prosecuted for his crimes in the judicial arena; and a peaceful individual who gives himself up and can be [either] integrated or given time to leave. This issue requires deep deliberation and a display of the humanism that has always characterized Islam“.[i]

Down with the Zionist state!

Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!


[i] MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 9575, October 4, 2021.

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