The end of the war on Gaza Maybe?

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 11.06.2024

An official in Hamas’s leadership, Sami Abu Zohri, told Reuters this morning (Tuesday) that the organization generally accepts the Security Council’s decision, which includes a permanent ceasefire as part of an agreement to release hostages announced that Hamas is willing to discuss the details of the deal approved by the Security Council. Blinken said this is a hopeful sign as if the problem has been Hamas’s unwillingness to agree to a ceasefire. At last night’s meeting of Blinken with Netanyahu, the PM of the Zionist monster, Blinken confirmed the commitment to the proposal. The real obstacle to a ceasefire has been Netanyahu the liar.

According to a political source: “Israel will not end the war before achieving all of its goals: the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities, the return of all our abductees and making sure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel. The presented outline allows Israel to meet these conditions, and it will indeed do so” [i]

It does not matter who tells the lies: Netanyahu, Biden, or his servants like Blinken. The point is never to believe the imperialist politicians. As Trotsky once said, “When they speak of peace, I am looking for my gun.”

Down with the imperialists!

For Palestine red and free from the river to the sea!



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