The Rally of the Thieves

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 21.10.2024

Ministers, Members of Knesset from Israel’s governing coalition, and settler leaders led a rally on Monday near the Gaza border calling for Israel to resettle the Gaza Strip.

The rally culminated in a two-day festival titled “Preparing to Settle in Gaza”. It was held at a makeshift camp made up of Sukkot, approximately three kilometers from the Gaza border. The camp included a few dozen Sukkot, with a large central Sukkah designated as the “Sukkah of Revival”.

The rally was organized by several right-wing groups led by the settlement organization Nahala, including from within the Likud governing party; Nahala leader Daniella Weiss, a far- right-known figure in the settler movement, said in a statement to the media that her organization intended to utilize the know-how it gained during decades of settlement in the West Bank to create settlements in Gaza. Regular and reserve IDF soldiers were part of the force securing the event, as it was held in a closed military zone, but open for the settlers whose aim is an apartheid state from the river to the sea. To assist them, the Zionist army is trying to remove all the Palestinians from the North of Gaza. Nakba II.

A few dozen members of the Hostage Families Forum protested outside the event behind a line of police officers. They read the names of the hostages and accused the event’s organizers of sacrificing the lives of the hostages for their own political goals.

However, the problem is not only the right-wing Zionists but the entire Zionist state is built on stolen lands, and the only future for the Israeli Jews to survive without living in caserne is to break with Zionism and join the revolutionary struggle for one Palestinian socialist state from the river to the sea. A state which the Palestinian refugees will return to, and the Israelis who will remain in the country will be granted civil rights.  

The mass killing of the Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians will continue as long as the Zionist monster state exists, and it must be destroyed to free the Palestinians and form a Palestinian socialist state from the river to the sea.

The same Zionists are planning to settle in South Lebanon. They are Judeo-Nazis and should be treated as such.

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!

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