The USA does not act as an intermediary between the Zionist state and Hamas

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 21.08.2024

Hamas said on Monday that the new outline contains clauses preventing an agreement from being completed. For example, the new American outline allows Israel to continue controlling the Philadelphia axis and the Netzer corridor. The new outline does not lead to a complete withdrawal and a permanent ceasefire. Hamas blames the Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the failure. Hamas demands that the previous agreements from May and July be implemented.

On May 31, US President Joe Biden gave a speech in which he spoke about the hostage deal. Biden presented three phases, each of which would last 42 days. According to this proposal, already in the first phase, a “full ceasefire” would apply, And Israel would withdraw from populated areas. Palestinians will be released alive or dead and will return to the north of the Strip.

What do they say in Hamas? The organization naturally interprets the term “full ceasefire” as the war’s end already in phase one. That is why they called for the implementation of the outline of the month of May, as expressed in the vision presented by the US president. They add support for the resolution of the UN Security Council, which approved the Biden outline. The Security Council explicitly stated that if the parties do not reach an agreement during the six weeks of the first phase – they will continue to besiege the fire as long as the negotiations continue.

What do the Zionist liars say? The term “full ceasefire” in the Biden outline is interpreted as a temporary ceasefire in phase one. With the takeover of the Philadelphia axis, there is supposedly no objection by Israel to withdraw from population centers. Still, the axis itself is largely unpopulated, except for the section passing through Rafah.

July’s “outline” already favors the Zionist state. Hamas nevertheless returned an answer expressing readiness for a temporary ceasefire in Phase One and discussions on a permanent ceasefire between Phase One and Phase Two, similar to the Security Council’s decision. According to this position, the moratorium continues as long as the discussions continue.

The issue of releasing the Palestinian prisoners: Regarding Phase B and Phase C, there are still no “keys” because the discussions on this have not yet occurred. As for phase one, it is estimated that there are a number ranging from hundreds to a thousand prisoners. According to Hamas, discussions are currently being conducted regarding the criteria, not the names. According to foreign publications, Hamas demanded the release of 30 prisoners for each abductee in the humanitarian phase, while for each female soldier (at least five), the organization demanded 50 prisoners. As a matter of fact and policy, the actual demand should be “ALL FOR ALL”.

The American New Outline presented on August 16: A hostage deal in three stages, leading to the war’s end. Temporary ceasefire in phase A. Discussions with a time limit between phase A and phase B on a permanent ceasefire. This may give Israel some abductees and allow it to continue the war. In phase A, about 30 abductees are supposed to be released under the humanitarian criterion – that is, women, adults, the sick, the wounded, and children. In phase B, the male abductees are supposed to be released. In phase C, the bodies of abductees are supposed to be returned. During the agreement, Israel will partially withdraw from the Philadelphia Axis. In the Netzer Corridor, Israel demands the establishment of an inspection mechanism to control the passage to the north of Gaza.

What do they say in Hamas?  Hamas said on Monday that the current outline has clauses preventing an agreement’s completion. For example, the outline necessarily allows Israel to continue to control the Philadelphia axis and the Netzer corridor. The organization’s announcement also states that the outline does not lead to a full withdrawal and a permanent ceasefire. However, the detonation of the talks was not announced, and Hamas blamed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their failure. Hamas demands that the previous agreements from May and July be implemented.

Israel out of Gaza!

US imperialism out of the region!

Release All for All!

Total ceasefire now!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!

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