The Zionists of South Africa Apartheid and the Zionist Monster

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 29.08.2024

Following South Africa’s application to the International Court of Justice,S. Africa Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein slammed the government of South Africa as an evil government that supports terrorism. “The ICJ is an arm of the United Nations, an institution dominated by despotic regimes,” said Goldstein, slamming the ICJ as a political body advancing an anti-western and anti-Israel policy. He said that because of the South African government’s ‘wickedness’, he had removed it from prayers for its welfare.”

As a matter of fact, On 18 October 2023, in its published statement, S.A. Cabinet condemned “the cowardly attack by Hamas that killed and injured innocent people”. The Cabinet also “condemned the heinous opportunism of the Israeli government to use Hamas’ cowardice to continue its genocide against the people of Palestine.

This week, South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein criticized Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby for failing to protect Western and biblical values and for abandoning Israel, Africa, and Europe to jihadists in a video speech on Monday and in a comment to The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Goldstein said Welby acted in opposition to the Bible when he chose to support the July 19 International Court of Justice advisory opinion that Israel was illegally occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem and that it had to end. He challenged Welby’s citing of the city central to Judaism and the Mount where the Jewish Temples stood, as occupied by the Jewish state. By ignoring God’s promise of the land of Israel to the Jewish people, Welby was rejecting the Bible, he said.

Welby, the Pope, and international bodies echoed jihadist narratives but remained silent about dangers to Christians in Africa and Europe, he added. Goldstein told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that Israel was on the frontline of a clash of values that impacted Europe, and he sought not just to level criticism but issue a call to action to stand in opposition to threats to Western civilization. He conveyed a message to the government and the people of Israel, on behalf of the South African Jewish community, as well as millions of our fellow citizens throughout the country, that the ANC government does not speak in our name, that we stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel in the battle against the forces of evil”.

He was in Israel when Zionist President Herzog stated that Israel was not distinguishing between militants and civilians in Gaza. In a press conference with foreign media, he said:

“We are working and operating militarily according to the rules of international law. Unequivocally. It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It is not true that this rhetoric is about civilians not being aware of and not being involved. It is not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime that took over Gaza in a coup d’état. But we are at war. We are at war. We are at war. We are defending our homes. We are protecting our homes. That’s the truth. And when a nation protects its home, it fights. And we will fight until we break their backbone.”.[i]

Surely, he heard Galant calling the Palestinians human animals. He knows that Israel is committing genocide, so why does he take such a position?

No, Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein has not lost his mind; he is simply a Zionist who supports the genocide of the Palestinians to make more room for settler colonialist Jews. Surely, he knows that S.A. was under the apartheid regime and a close friend of Israel.

“After 1967, there was no better political, military, diplomatic, and ideological alliance between like-minded nations than Israel and apartheid South Africa.The apartheid regime in Pretoria took power in 1948 and soon put in place Nazi-style restrictions on non-whites, from forbidding marriage between the races to barring blacks from many jobs. The South African Jewish community was strongly pro-Israel and became its biggest financial backer per capita after 1948.

A majority of these Jews benefited from South African apartheid and supported its continuation. A small but notable minority bravely opposed it and joined the African National Congress (ANC) in its campaign for liberation.

By the 1970s, the South African and Israeli governments had cemented a political, ideological, and military relationship, often centered on weapons developed and tested by the Israeli military. Many in the ruling Israeli Likud party felt an affinity with South Africa’s worldview.[ii]”

“However, When the Nationalists achieved power in South Africa in 1948, the Jewish community leaders struck a deal. In return for the Nationalists abandoning their anti-Semitism, the Jewish community would support apartheid.”[iii]

No doubt Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein likes the values of S.A apartheid that, like Israel, was supported by the Western imperialists. There is no need to call the Zionists Nazis, it is enough to call them Zionists, and you know that it is a reference to monsters.

Down with the Zionist monster!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!




[iii] Tony Greenstein, Zionism during the Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation, 2022; p. 408).

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