Trial against pro-Palestine Activist Michael Pröbsting: Appeal Hearing on 21 August

Press release of the RCIT Media Team, 19 July 2024,

Pro-Palestine activist Michael Pröbsting was sentenced to a suspended sentence of six months in prison in a trial on 2 May. In consultation with his lawyer, Dr. Astrid Wagner, Michael has filed an appeal against this verdict. The appeal hearing will take place on Wednesday, 21 August at 10.00 at the Higher Regional Court.

As we did already report, Michael, who is also International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), has been charged with ” approval and incitement to commit terrorist offenses“. The basis for this accusation was his solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and his opposition to the Israeli apartheid state, which he expressed in a video message. (See

Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people is still continuing and so must our solidarity work! The indictment against Michael is an attempt to criminalise solidarity with Palestine and to restrict freedom of speech. Our resistance continues!

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