While the Netanyahu’s camp support extreme Bonapartism, the other camp want to restore the ethnocratic regime

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 25.03.2025

During the Cabinet meeting regarding the dismissal of Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara, a demonstration was held today (Sunday) in front of the Prime Minister’s Office.

Speakers at the demonstration were: Ami Ayalon – former head of the Shin Bet, Yoav Segalovitz – Yesh Atid MK, Noam Dan – one of the leaders of the struggle of the families of the abductees and a member of the family of the abductee Ofer Calderon, Naama Swirsky – a member of the family of the abductee Itai Swirsky, Ami Dror – one of the leaders of the protest and Moran Michel – one of the leaders of the protest.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Ayala Procaccia spoke at a demonstration in front of the Cabinet meeting: “We are in the midst of a deep crisis the likes of which we have never known. A rift that threatens to collapse our entire democratic institutional structure. A fracture that threatens our physical existence.” [i]

She added: “For some time now, an orderly and consistent government policy has been formulated, with the goal of destroying all the independent state institutions and mechanisms of government criticism that exist in the public sphere. Breaking the independence of the country’s central institutions and breaking the systems of criticism and restraint on the power of the government will bring us at lightning speed to change the image of the state from one end to the other.” [ii]

“No longer a free democracy, but a different regime that we don’t know. A regime that has no rule of law, and no real freedom. A regime that lacks real protection of human rights. We cannot live in such a regime; We will not be able to accept such a regime,” she said” [iii]

Former Shin Bet head Ami Ayalon said: “How do we know if Israel is a tyrannical state?! When the government sends our young people to war, condemns the fate of 59 abducted citizens of Israel, when the government in times of war exempts hundreds of thousands of them from their military service in order to maintain its rule – we know that we are living under a tyrannical regime! When the government fires the “gatekeepers” of democracy – the head of the Shin Bet and the Attorney General, in order to preserve its rule – we know that we are living under a tyrannical regime!” [iv]

Ayalon added: “When the prime minister announces to the people that the government will not comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling, we know that we are living in a tyrannical regime! How long will we refuse to see a black flag flying over this government and all its actions!? We are here today to say to the members of the government – we are the citizens and the state is ours, when you attack the gatekeepers – we are the gatekeepers of the gatekeepers! We will protect them with our bodies!”[v]

MK Yoav Segalovitz (Yesh Atid), former Deputy Minister of Public Security, in his speech at the protest in front of the Knesset: “This week, the process of destroying the democratic home is reaching its climax. Netanyahu is trying to fire his investigators and prosecutors. Failure to obey court orders is a red line – if the prime minister crosses it, the country will be stopped.” [vi]

Attorney Amit Bachar said: “The dismissal of the Attorney General is clearly illegal, part of a campaign of purges and a dictatorial takeover by the government led by the Prime Minister, who is in a conflict of interest as a criminal defendant. All the moves he is leading in the Knesset and the government to eliminate the judicial system will fail. The people of Israel will defeat the government. These are decisive days” [vii]

When someone is looking at the demonstration, he sees a sea of Zionist flags and no Arabs. You do not have to be a genius to understand why: Even the “Times of Israel” observed:

Community, angry that most Jewish Israelis didn’t defend its rights during decades of discrimination, feels it doesn’t have a place in rallies featuring generals as speakers” [viii]

Down with the Zionist Monster!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!


 [i] https://www.israelhayom.co.il/news/law/article/17595974

[ii] Ibid

[iii] Ibid

[iv] Ibid

[v] Ibid

[vi] Ibid

[vii] Ibid

[viii] https://www.timesofisrael.com/arab-israelis-largely-stay-away-from-pro-democracy-protests-against-legal-overhaul/

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