Will it end as in Algeria or as one worker’s state from the river to the sea where Israeli Jews will have minority rights? A warning!

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 18.07.2024

At this time, the demonstration of the members of the Until the Victory Forum, which brings together hundreds of bereaved families and families of the killed Zionists, is taking place in protest against the financing of legal defense for the Palestinian members of the resistance that the Zionist Monster caught.

Tamar Gersin, the sister of the late Hanan (Hanania) Amar, who was killed on October 7 at the Nova festival, from the Haad al-Mihailh forum and the leader of the protest, stated: “We are talking about human animals and not human beings who destroyed entire families. We will not lend a hand to finance lawyers for the Nohva terrorists at our expense, the bereaved families from the Nova”.’[i]

The Zionist Parliament, the Knesset’s Constitution Committee discussed this week the bill to prevent the financing of representation for security prisoners, known as the “Nohavot Law”. The chairman of the committee, MK Simcha Rothman, expanded the bill so that no state-funded representation will be given to anyone who is not a citizen or resident of the State of Israel who has committed or is suspected of committing an act of terrorism.

Thus, for the Zionist settler colonialists who stole the Palestinian land, expelled most of the native Palestinians in 1947-8, and committed genocides against the natives, who see the resistance to their crimes as no more than acts of human animals that should be executed without a trial if it was up to them.

The end of the Zionist state is on the horizon, and whether the Jews living in Palestine will have a place in this country or they will return to Europe or escape to the USA depends on their behavior as human beings rather than a racist scam.

According to the Jewish Bible, the prophet Amos said:

“For three transgressions of Israel, even four/ I will not revoke My judgment,

because they sell the righteous for silver/ and the needy for a pair of sandals

They trample on the heads of the poor/ as on the dust of the earth;”

Down with the Zionist monster!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!


[i] israelhayom.co.il/news/local/article/16095784

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