McCarthyism returns to U.S under Biden

Yossi Schwartz ISL (The RCIT section in Israel /Occupied Palestine), 06.12.2023

The American Heritage Dictionary gives the definition of McCarthyism as: 1. The political practice of publicizing accusations of disloyalty or subversion with insufficient regard to evidence; and 2. The use of methods of investigation and accusation regarded as unfair, in order to suppress opposition.

In light of the wide opposition to Biden’s support to the genocide of the Palestinians that by itself is a war crime, Biden has begun a witch hunt against the key universities where majority of students stand with the Palestinians and the American congress is holding hearings to the heads of the universities demanding oath of loyalty for Israel under the misname fighting Anti-Semitism.

“On Tuesday Evening the educational committee held a hearing to the presidents 0f Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and other universities in light of the wave of anti-Zionism on campuses against the background of the Iron Swords War and the genocide of the Palestinians.

The Education Committee announced the hearing Tuesday as part of the Biden administration’s effort to take “aggressive action” against discrimination. Schools found to have violated the Civil Rights Act can face various penalties, including the complete loss of federal money invested in the schools, although the vast majority of cases end in voluntary settlements.

The leaders of major universities in the US refused tonight (Wednesday) to condemn the rampant anti-Semitism on campuses against the background of the war in Gaza and the massacre that took place on October 7, during a hearing held for them by the Education Committee of the House of Representatives. The heads of Harvard and MIT refused to answer whether calling for the Jewish genocide violates the ethical code, and settle for the answer “it depends on the context

Harvard President Claudine Gay, Pennsylvania President Liz Magill and MIT President Sally Kornbluth participated in the hearing. The presidency was asked several times whether an explicit call for genocide against the Jews is considered a violation of the laws of the institutions, and avoided explicitly answering in the affirmative” [1]

“Republican New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Harvard alumni herself, clashed with the university’s president, Claudine Gay, and asked her if Harvard would take meaningful steps against students who use the public expression “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” or “intifada.” According to Stefanik, these expressions push for violence against Israel and the murder of Jews.

Gay responded that “this kind of language is thoughtless, reckless, and hateful.” But when Stefanik pressed and asked whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” is bullying and harassment according to the university’s code of conduct and if such hate speech is allowed at Harvard, Gay answered: “It is at odds with the values of Harvard, but we embrace a commitment to free expression even of views that are objectionable, offensive and hateful.”

Gay explained that when speech turns into actions that violate the institution’s policies against violence and harassment or incite violence, the university takes action. Stefanik was not satisfied, and told Gay: “This is why I have called for your resignation.” [2]

Thus, to support the Palestinian oppressed people is at the same time to fight for democratic rights as freedom of expression. Those who support the Zionist war crimes are for the repression of democratic rights.

Down with the attack on democratic rights!

Down the genocide of the Palestinians!

For a total cease fire and full exchange of prisoners!

For Palestine red and free from the river to the sea!




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