Yossi Schwartz ISL the section of the RCIT in Israel/Occupied Palestine, 01.11.2023
In the few days following the attack of Hamas fighters against the Zionist apartheid state many people in the Western imperialist states believed the Zionists propaganda that the fighters of Hamas killed and beheaded babies and raped women. But as the Zionists state committed more war crimes more people realized that the Zionist “Hasbara” (propaganda) is no more than lies. Take for example the daily newspaper of the students of Yale university.
“An “editor’s note” now appended to sophomore Sahar Tartak’s Oct. 12 column, titled “Is Yalies4Palestine a hate group?” now states: “This column has been edited to remove unsubstantiated claims that Hamas raped women and beheaded men.” [1]
The Zionist “Jewish press” that supports the Israeli pact of lies attack the students daily and accuse it of being supporters of Nazi propaganda. “John Podhoretz, editor of Commentary magazine, added: “Who is the editor of the Yale Daily News? Joseph Goebbels?” [2]
While Israel is not a fascist state even though by liberal definition it is, but an apartheid state that is committed to wipe out Gaza on its people. Its methods of propaganda are based on the big lie that Goebbels was known for it. Furthermore its history as the Zionist settler colonialists even before the Nakba has been famous for the support for extreme right-wing regimes and parties including ties to Nazi Germany.
What you see is a Nazi Medallion with a Swastika and a Star of David that was sold in an auction.

The auctioneers explained: “A medal struck in honor of the series of articles” A Nazi Travels to Palestine” which was published in the Nazi journal “Der Angriff” (The Attack). A memento of the cooperation that took place between the Nazi Party and the German Zionist Federation, in their mutual goal of relocating German Jews to Palestine. Germany, 1934.
The recto of the medallion depicts a Star of David in the center, surrounded by the inscription in German “A Nazi Travels to Palestine” (Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina). The verso depicts a swastika in the center and the words “And he writes about it in The Attack” (Und erzählt davon in Angriff).
In the beginning of the Nazi rule in Germany, the Zionist Movement was inclined to cooperate with the line that the Nazi government adopted at the time – encouraging immigration of German Jews to Eretz Israel. In the spring of 1933, the leaders of the German Zionist Association decided to contact elements within the Nazi party who might support the Zionist cause. Kurt Tuchler, a German-Jewish lawyer and judge and member of the managing committee of the German Zionist Federation, contacted Leopold von Mildenstein, a senior Nazi officer who was head of the Jewish department of the SD (the security service of the SS and the Nazi party), and asked him to publish an article in the Nazi press about the Jewish settlements in Eretz Israel. In 1933, the two men traveled to Eretz Israel with their wives and spent a month touring the country, to enable von Mildenstein to get an impression of the booming Jewish industrial, agricultural and settlement efforts in Palestine. Ina report to Yad Vashem years later, Tuchler wrote, “The purpose of the visit was to create in an important Nazi newspaper an image that would promote the Zionist cause in Eretz Israel.” After their return to Germany, von Mildenstein published a series of 12 illustrated articles in the Nazi newspaper “Der Angriff” (The Attack), which was the mouthpiece of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister. To commemorate the articles, Goebbels struck this medallion” [3]
In the liberal Israeli newspaper, Haaretz we find:
“Revealed: How Israel Turned Nazi War Criminals into Mossad Agents.Newly declassified files shed light on Israel’s decision to overcome its sense of unease and enlist the help of Nazi murderers in its espionage agency throughout the course of the Cold War.” [4]
In another article by Haaretz we find:” The Strange Case of a Nazi Who Became an Israeli Hitman.Otto Skorzeny, one of the Mossad’s most valuable assets, was a former lieutenant colonel in Nazi Germany’s Waffen-SS and one of Adolf Hitler’s favorites” [5]
On August 30,2017 we can find an article by an Israeli Human right lawyer Eitay Mac that says: “The Netanyahu government was silent in January when the Trump Administration omitted any reference to Jewish victims from its official statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Netanyahu government was silent in July when Trump chose to be the first U.S. president since the fall of the Communist regime in Poland, to forgo a visit to the monument commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. In a speech delivered in Warsaw on the topic of World War II in Poland, Trump stressed the suffering of the Polish people and failed to mention the Jews who fell victim to anti-Semitism and Nazi collaborators. After a shameful delay, Netanyahu joined the last Western leaders and condemned Trump’s comparison of neo-Nazis and white supremacists to anti-racist protesters.
The attempt to portray this conduct of the Israeli government as another moral failure of the Israeli Right is a historical mistake. One can safely assume that a “leftist” government headed by the Zionist Camp or Yesh Atid parties would act similarly to Netanyahu, just as Israeli Labor Party governments had previously done. After all, political and economic interests have always come first. Successive Israeli governments have abetted the genocides of other nations, preferring realpolitik to confronting anti-Semitism, Nazism, and the like.
The first Rabin Government (1974-1977) did not balk at hosting Apartheid South Africa’s Prime Minister John Vorster in April 1976. He had been a member of a pro-Nazi group during World War II. The visit was part of Israel’s security relations with the apartheid regime. During his visit, Vorster laid a wreath at Yad Vashem. The apartheid regime tried to develop chemical weapons that would harm black Africans only, including the fertility of African women.
That regime also developed chemical toxins for the murder of individuals in the liberation movements, which included scientific experiments on Africans. Such experiments were carried out on prisoners of war; after they were killed, their bodies were dumped by planes in the Atlantic Ocean. Documents in the South African archives, uncovered by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and investigative journalist Sasha Polakow-Suransky, reveal that the director of this project, Wouter Basson, also known as Dr. Death, visited Israel in 1979. Basson sent his representatives to additional visits to Israel for consultations with Israeli security officials, with Israeli representatives even taking part in a conference, as part of this mad plan, which was held in South Africa in 1986.
Both the first Rabin Government and the Begin Government collaborated with the junta in Argentina, despite the fact that Jews were murdered by the regime between 1976 and 1983 in large numbers. Members of the military government supported Nazi ideology and the repression of dissidents included the use of Nazi expressions and symbols, even in torture chambers. In the generals’ trials, which took place following Argentina’s transition to democracy in Argentina, some officials testified that they had drawn inspiration from the Nazis for their actions. Senior officials in the Carter administration upset Israel by expressing their bewilderment at the Jewish state’s willingness to turn a blind eye and collaborate with an anti-Semitic regime that persecuted Jews.
Between 1973 and 1991, Israeli governments and the IDF sold weapons and training to Pinochet’s dictatorship in Chile, a regime that committed crimes against humanity, disappeared thousands, and tortured tens of thousands. The Pinochet regime brought torture to new heights of cruelty, unseen in modern history. The State of Israel was not interested in this regime’s ties with Nazi war criminals; Pinochet had granted asylum to senior Nazi criminal Walter Rauff, the inventor of the mobile gas chamber. One of the regime’s central torture centers was Colonia Dignidad, a Nazi and neo-Nazi colony in southern Chile. On top of that, Israel also engaged in public relations efforts for Pinochet in Washington.
In the 70s and 80s, Israeli governments sold arms to the military regimes in Bolivia. One of the senior figures in the Bolivian junta’s security establishment, which cast terror on the indigenous population, was senior Nazi criminal Klaus Barbie, head of the Gestapo in Lyon, who was nicknamed “The Butcher of Lyon.”
In the 70s and 80s, Israeli governments and IDF officers sold arms and training to the juntas in Guatemala, which carried out a genocide of around 200,000 people, most of them indigenous.
Between 1991-1995, the second Rabin Government sold arms used in both the Rwandan Genocide and the Bosnian War. As early as mid-1992, reports and footage of concentration camps set up by the Serbs for Bosnian Muslims began to emerge. Detainees in these camps were starved and tortured, and their bodies were thrown to the animals. Additional findings attested to the existence of rape camps, where Serbs held Muslim and Croatian women. Yet Israeli arms exports did not stop. At a Knesset hearing on August 5th 1992, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres confirmed that acts of massacre had indeed been carried out, but repeatedly refused to assign responsibility to Serbian criminals affiliated with Israel.
In the summer of 2016, the Netanyahu Government sold weapons and provided training to the Burmese (Myanmar) special forces, who are committing crimes against humanity in Rakhine State, against the Muslim Rohingya minority. Women and girls are being raped; civilians are being tortured, murdered, and disappeared. Security forces employ “scorched earth” methods, while civilian property is looted and entire villages are going up in flames, some set ablaze by rockets aimed at residential houses.
In September 2016, it was revealed that Israel is trying, through the U.S. and European states, to ensure the lifting of sanctions against Sudan, following the latter’s abandonment of its alliance with Iran. This took place although no one can deny that Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir — wanted by the International Criminal Court for the genocide in Darfur — continues to commit grave crimes.
Three laws — The Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law (1950), The Israeli Law on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (1950) and Article 16 of the Israeli Penal Law (added in 1994), which deals with offenses by “the Law of the Nations” — have all stipulated universal jurisdiction in Israel for severe crimes under international law. In reality, these laws have been rendered null and void by the IDF, the Ministry of Defense, Israeli arms dealers, and senior Israeli officials. Thus, the state attorney announced that he would not open a criminal investigation into Israeli security exports to Rwanda during the genocide there in 1994, or into the delivery of Galil-Ace rifles used for crimes against humanity in South Sudan in December 2013, or for selling arms and training used for crimes against humanity by the Pinochet regime in Chile.
Similarly, to its efforts to distinguish the Holocaust of Europe’s Jews from other genocides, Israel also tries to distinguish anti-Semitism from racism against other populations in the world. Even if anti-Semitism and the Holocaust have unique characteristics, it is now evident that understanding the universal characteristics of the phenomenon of racism and the conditions for genocide are the key to preventing them from happening.
The State of Israel’s fight against global anti-Semitism has been hollow from the beginning, in view of the racist elements underlying the ostensibly democratic regime within the Green Line and the military government in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as Israel’s treatment of Mizrahi Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Palestinian citizens, refugees, and foreign workers. One cannot fight anti-Semitism seriously without fighting racism inside and outside Israel, and without ending Israeli support for racist regimes across the world. One cannot speak of the lessons of the Holocaust while abetting the genocide of other nations, and even inviting murderers to lay wreaths at Yad Vashem.” [6]
So far, the Zionist apartheid state escaped a trial for war crimes in the International Criminal Court in Hague and we should not trust it. However, it is possible that now such a trial will be held against Netanyahu and the command of the Zionist army. “The statements of the Prosecutor’s Office in recent days, including Monday, war crimes charges versus Israelis may be closer than ever” [7]
Israel’s statement that Hamas is using civilians as shields is not enough, says the prosecutor the burden of proof is on Israel. ” This is a potential paradigm shift since for nearly 10 years, the ICC Prosecutor’s Office has focused its energies on preliminary jurisdictional questions, such as whether “Palestine” constituted a country which could give the court jurisdiction to probe Israel and Hamas. While the ICC decided that question against Israel and in favor of Palestine in 2021, The Jerusalem Post understands there was hope in top Israeli legal circles that the court would still refrain from actually indicting Israelis. Until this month.” [8]
The Zionist government has not allowed an ICC visit since the prosecutor’s office opened a criminal probe in 2021, but this will not be a reason to not hold a trial for war crimes especially when 120 states supported the resolution calling for immediate ceasefire that Israel ignores.
The Israelis who support the war are well aware that Israel is committing war crimes. In an article in the daily “Israel today” Natalie Dadon pleads with the IDF soldiers: “Stop taking pictures!”
“I need your attention! I am begging you – soldiers, fighters, everyone in the field – stop taking pictures! And to all the citizens of the State of Israel: you received it, don’t pass it on!” she demanded firmly. “There are videos circulating on the Internet that, as soon as they are filmed and uploaded, it is an explanatory attack that will cause damage years to come,” she claimed. “No sprinklers, no naked terrorists and no other coffins from the territory or outside the territory” [9]
In the daily Wala we find: Rub your eyes: a video is circulating on the internet showing Hamas terrorists tied by their hands, feet and eyes – and sitting on the ground while a song by “Mani Mamtarah” is played for them for eight hours straight. The children’s star Manny Mammatra (Manny Zukrel) himself reacted on the networks to the amazing documentation when he wrote: “I don’t know if it’s real but the song is called Mammatra with a goal. Everyone here has goals so go ahead.” People who uploaded the video to social networks informed that it is a completely real video and that the music was not put on it” [10]
Put the Zionist leaders on trial!
Down with the Zionist apartheid!
For Palestine red and free from the river to the sea!
[1] https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/yale-student-paper-deletes-unsubstantiated-claims-of-rape-beheadings/2023/10/31/
[2] Ibid
[3] https://www.kedem-auctions.com/en/content/nazi-medallion-swastika-and-star-david%E2%80%93-nazi-travels-palestine-1934#&gid=1&pid=1
[4] https://www.haaretz.com/magazine/2023-06-01/ty-article-magazine/.premium/revealed-how-israel-turned-nazi-war-criminals-into-mossad-agents/00000188-773a-dd65-abae-773a75190000
[5] https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/holocaust-remembrance-day/2016-03-27/ty-article/the-strange-case-of-a-nazi-who-became-a-mossad-hitman/0000017f-df03-df9c-a17f-ff1b3c52
[6] Eitay Mack Israel’s Sordid History of Supporting Dictatorships
AUGUST 30, 2017 https://lobelog.com/israels-sordid-history-of-supporting-dictatorships/
[7] https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/gaza-news/article-771036
[8] Ibid
[9] https://www.israelhayom.co.il/celebrities/local-celebrities/article/14771715
[10] https://e.walla.co.il/item/3616118