The Zionists live in a world of an infantile fantasy

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 26.11.2024

It took the Zionists sometime before they began to develop their explanation for the ICC issuing the arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant. According to an article in the Jerusalem Post[i], Iran is behind the pro-Palestinian movement and the decision of the ICC.

On November 26, Aviram Bellaishe, vice president of strategy, security, and communications at the Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs, advanced the following idiotic line:

1.     Already on October 7, 2023, Iranian officials declared the need for an international body of jurists from the Islamic world and the international arena to advocate for Palestinian children and called for a comprehensive, multistage media effort to highlight alleged Israeli crimes.

2.     About two months before South Africa filed its complaint with the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Iran’s foreign minister, standing alongside South Africa’s foreign minister in Tehran, stated that Nelson Mandela was “a symbol of the fight against apartheid, especially today when the world witnesses the genocide of the Israeli apartheid regime.

3.     According to the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (another Zionist institution), South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), was on the verge of bankruptcy. Still, its debts were mysteriously covered shortly after it announced its intention to file the complaint. Given the high costs of pursuing a case in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, not to mention the expenses of a prolonged trial, legitimate questions remain about how South Africa could finance such actions, ISGAP said. This leads many to conclude that it received significant financial support from external sources. Discernible here are the fingerprints of Iran, an expert in proxy methods, putting South Africa in an economic chokehold to set the international legal system against Israel by leveraging “the Palestinian issue.” That would dovetail with the Palestinian strategy of exploiting the ICJ and ICC’s authority as a weapon against Israel.

4.     As Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated, “Palestine’s acceptance into the UN will pave the way to internationalize the conflict as a legal, not merely political, matter. It will also pave the way for us to file complaints against Israel at the UN, with human rights bodies, and at the International Court of Justice.” This is not only a strategy for the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank but also Hamas in Gaza. Hamas has supported the PA’s efforts to join the ICC.

5.      Global institutions have not investigated this Iranian strategy of using the international legal system, and international media outlets have not covered it. Not only do Iran and its leaders – accused by human rights organizations of arbitrary arrests, torture, executions, severe violations of women’s rights, persecution of ethnic and religious minorities, forced disappearances, and more – go uninvestigated by the ICC, but in November 2023, Iran was elected to chair the Social Forum of the UN Human Rights Council. Iran has indeed had much success in channeling the system in its favor. 

Thus, the Zionist writer claims that Iran’s economy that is in a deplorable condition partly because the sanctions against it, yet it saved the ANC from bankruptcy, controls the PA, Hamas, the imperialist mass media, the Pro-Palestinian mass movement, and the ICC, and the ICJ.

So, according to this bizarre logic, Israel has to destroy Iran, and everyone will love the Zionist monster. The fact that the Zionists are coming up with such ridiculous explanations shows that Israel has entered its stage of terminal disease.

The only remedy for Israel is to destroy it!

For Palestine, red and free from the river to the sea!


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