Zionists who support the wars of Israel are not welcome

Yossi Schwartz ISL (RCIT section in Israel/Occupied Palestine), 11.03.2024

On March 8th women and men remember the thousands of Palestinian women murdered by the Zionist army. The women and girls sexually abused by this army that commits a genocide. Yet Zionist women who are blind to what the Zionist state is doing try to kidnap the women marches in support of women rights. However, they learn that Zionist propaganda is excluded. In Norway on the International Women’s Day, a parade with various slogans through downtown Oslo prevented a support group for Israeli hostages. They were physically obstructed by other participants in the parade, and eventually they were informed by the organizing committee that they were not allowed to participate in the parade with the slogans they had.

One of the co-founders and leaders of the Women’s March movement in the United States told The New York Times that white Jews are among those who “uphold white supremacy,” while also being oppressed by it.

Wruble a Zionist , told the newspaper The Times of Israel that she felt marginalized and eventually pushed out of the Women’s March movement by co-leaders Mallory and Carmen Perez, in part because of her Jewish heritage. At a first meeting with Mallory and Perez to discuss plans for a mass march, the two women tried to impress on her that Jews had to answer for what they claimed was a significant role in the black slave trade to the US, she said.

Of course, not only Jews participated in the slave trade so were Arabs, Portuguese, Spaniards, Protestant and Catholic Americans French and British. Nor it is true that Jews dominated the slave trade. However, it is true that merchant Jews participated in the trade and the Zionist state that claims that it represents all the Jews never apologized for it. Nor have the main Zionist organizations in the USA.

“At virtually the same moment that Jews received permission to resettle in England, the English government undertook to carve out a place for Britain in the slave trade as part of a policy to supplant Holland in international commerce. Openly challenging the Dutch in Africa, England established a series of forts along the coasts of West Africa during the early 1660s, and in 1663 dispatched a military force to capture the fortifications and trading posts held by the Netherlands. Dutch counterattacks undid the initial successes of the British, in turn precipitating the second of the three Anglo-Dutch Wars the two nations fought between 1652 and 1674.

England relied not only on military action but also on its merchants to achieve its goals. In 1660, four years after the Resettlement commenced, Britain chartered the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading into Africa. Obtaining gold was initially its primary purpose, but in 1663 the slave trade became one of the Company’s aims when the government revised its charter. It subsequently delivered slaves to Barbados and contracted to supply slaves to Spain’s colonies. By 1669, however, it was clear that the Company’s finances were in disarray, and plans to salvage it gave way to the creation of a new company. Continuing to count on private capital, the government established a successor by chartering the Royal African Company in 1672, endowing it with a monopoly to all commerce between England and the western parts of Africa, including the slave trade. Although the new company proved incapable of earning profits on a sustained basis, plunging toward bankruptcy by the early 1700s, it did succeed in penetrating the slave trade, transporting in excess of an estimated ninety thousand slaves to the Caribbean between 1673 and 1711.

Because many of them were merchants who resided in the City of London, the country’s commercial and financial center, where they participated in international commerce, the Jews of the Resettlement might well have been regarded as likely to invest in the two slave-trading companies, although in the Iberian Peninsula, the region where many of them (or their ancestors) had originated, they had barely participated in the enslavement of Africans. As Salo Wittmayer Baron wrote of New Christians in Spain and Portugal who were accused of surreptitious adherence to Judaism” [1]

“Judah P. Benjamin (1811–1884) was a brilliant and successful lawyer in New Orleans, and one of the first Jewish members of the U.S. Senate. He then served in the Confederacy as secretary of war and secretary of state, becoming the confidant and alter ego of Jefferson Davis. In a new biography, author James Traub grapples with the difficult truth that Benjamin, who was considered one of the greatest legal minds in the United States, was a slave owner who deployed his oratorical skills in defense of slavery.

 How could a man as gifted as Benjamin, knowing that virtually all serious thinkers outside the American South regarded slavery as the most abhorrent of practices, not see that he was complicit with evil? This biography makes a serious moral argument both about Jews who assimilated to Southern society by embracing slave culture and about Benjamin himself, a man of great resourcefulness and resilience who would not, or could not, question the practice on which his own success, and that of the South, was founded” [2]

“Western Sephardim of the colonial Atlantic are largely characterized as “merchants”

in academic literature as well as in the popular imagination. The long

distance networks of the Nação, that transcended political, linguistic, and

religious borders, enabled Jewish pioneers in the Americas to exploit both

clandestine and legal markets with greater facility than their non-Jewish counterparts.

This New-Jewish and converso trading success, particularly in trafficking

goods and slaves throughout the triangular market of Jamaica, Cuba, and

Hispaniola, engendered frequent anti-Jewish hostility. Those merchants who

felt threatened by Jewish trading networks in the Caribbean brought forth the

frequent accusation that stateless Jews traded at the expense of agricultural

settlement” [3]

“While in Brazil between 1630 and 1654, a few of the Jewish settlers acquired sugar plantations and mills, and it is entirely reasonable to assume that they consequently employed slave labor. However, their contributions to the sugar industry were far more significant when it came to providing capital, exporting sugar, and advancing credit for slaves. As creditors, according to the historian of the Brazilian Jewish community, “they dominated the slave trade.” To be sure, all slave imports from Africa were in the hands of the Dutch West India Company, which under the terms of its charter held the monopoly to the slave trade. But the Company sold the slaves it transported to Brazil at auctions where Jewish purchasers predominated, purchasing slaves and then selling them to plantation owners and others on credit. For the brief time that they resided in Brazil, therefore, Jewish settlers were an essential part of the fabric of the slave trade, although the actual number of slaves they might have purchased and then sold as middlemen amounted to a minute fraction of the huge number of Africans brought to Brazil over the course of more than three centuries.” [4]

“Jacob Rader Marcus, a historian and Reform rabbi, wrote in his four-volume history of Americans Jews that over 75 percent of Jewish families in Charleston, South Carolina; Richmond, Virginia; and Savannah, Georgia, owned slaves, and nearly 40 percent of Jewish households across the country did A number of wealthy Jews were also involved in the slave trade in the Americas, some as shipowners who imported slaves and others as agents who resold them. In the United States, Isaac Da Costa of Charleston, David Franks of Philadelphia and Aaron Lopez of Newport, Rhode Island, are among the early American Jews who were prominent in the importation and sale of African slaves. In addition, some Jews were involved in the trade in various European Caribbean colonies. Alexandre Lindo, a French-born Jew who became a wealthy merchant in Jamaica in the late 18th century, was a major seller of slaves on the island” [5]

Instead of an apology the Zionists attack the Black Lives Matter (BLM) as enemy of the Jews because which one of its founding documents reads:Because of its alliance with Israel, “the US . . . is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people Israel is an apartheid state with over 50 laws on the books that sanction discrimination against the Palestinian people. The US-funded apartheid wall. Israeli soldiers regularly arrest and detain Palestinians as young as 4 years old build invest/divestment campaigns that ends US Aid to Israel’s military industrial complex and provided a link to the BDS movement website” [6]

In the real-world Israel uses the experience of repressing the Palestinians to teach the American police how to use violence against black people. Following the killing of George Floyd, as US riot police fired rubber-coated bullets, tear gas canisters, pepper spray and stun grenades at protesters, Palestinians shared tips on social media on how to best deal with the assaults. “According to the organizations Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Researching the American-Israeli Alliance (RAIA), one common theme shared between United States and Israel is the exchange of tactics and expertise in state violence, which has been ongoing for 18 years” [7]

Not all the Jews are Zionists and let us hope that the number of Jews who will break from Zionism will grow and fast, but the Zionists should be excluded from humanity.

Down with the Zionist Monster!

For Palestine red and Free from the river to the sea!


[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/jewsslavesandtheslavetrade.htm

[2] https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300229264/judah-benjamin/

[3] Stanley Mirvis the Gabay Dynasty: Plantation Jews of the Colonial chapter 23

[4] https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/jewsslavesandtheslavetrade.htm

[5] https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jews-and-the-african-slave-trade/

[6] M4BL, 2020

[7] https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/6/12/how-the-us-and-israel-exchange-tactics-in-violence-and-control

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